Elections in Australia, Ireland and Malta
December 14-15, 1996
I. Introduction
Chair: Shaun Bowler (UCR) and Bernard Grofman (UC Irvine)
II. STV in Ireland
Chair: Matthew Shugart (UCSD)
Intra-party Competition and Transfer Patterns at Irish Elections, 1922-1992
Michael Gallagher (Trinity College, University of Dublin)
STV and the Politics of Coalition in Ireland
Michael Laver (Trinity College, University of Dublin)
Party Coated but Candidate Centered: Election Campaigns under STV in Ireland
Michael Marsh (Trinity College, University of Dublin)
Richard Engstron (University of New Orleans) and Matthew Shugart (UCSD)
III. STV in Australia, Malta and Canada
Chair: Shaun Bowler (UCR)
STV in Australia: The Consequences of a Strong Party System
Colin Hughes (University of Queensland)
Malta: STV in a Two Party System
Wolfgang Hirczy (Oklahoma State University, Stillwater)
STV in Local Elections in Canada
J. Paul Johnston (University of Alberta)
James Adams (UCSB) and Shaun Bowler (UCR)
IV. Mathematical Models of STV
Chair: Gary Cox (UCSD)
A Sophisticated Voter Model of Preferential Electoral Systems
Neal Jesse (UCLA)
STV Variants and the Possibility of Manipulation
Nicholas Tideman (Virginia Polytechnic and State University)
Random Utility Models of Preferential Voting
Michel Regenwetter (McGill University)
Gary Cox (UCSD) and Rein Taagepera (UCI)
V. STV in Comparative Perspective
Chair: Rein Taagepera (UC Irvine)
Comparing STV in Ireland and Australia
David Farrell (University of Manchester)
STV and AV Compared
Michael Maley (Australian Election Commission) and Ben Reilly (IDEA)
STV in Transitional Estonia
Rein Taagepera (UC Irvine)
The Place of STV in the Family of Electoral Systems
Bernard Grofman (UC Irvine)
Ian McAllister (University of South Wales and University of Manchester)
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