Conference Participants
David S. Meyer, University of California, Irvine,
“How to Save the World: Learning from Citizen Engagement on Nuclear Weapons.”
David Cortright, University of Notre Dame,
“Peace Movements and Policy: Strategies and Methods for Opposing War and Nuclear Weapons.”
Shana Gadarian, Syracuse University,
“Nuclear Psychology.”
Michael Heaney, University of Glasgow,
“Transnational Cooperation and Effective Activism: Lessons from Three Campaigns.”
Kelsy Kretschmer, Oregon State University,
“Conflict and Factionalism in Peace Movements.”
Lisa Leitz, Chapman University,
Sharon Erickson Nepstad, University of New Mexico,
“Moral Witness and Political Instrumentality in U.S. Peace Movements.”
Laura Reed, University of Massachusetts, Amherst,
“Transnational Cooperation and Effective Activism: Lessons from Three Campaigns.”
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