Waseda-Irvine Conference on Political Economy
October 19th, 2018
Social Sciences Plaza B, Room 5206, University of California, Irvine
Organizers: Amihai Glazer (UCI), Hideki Konishi (Waseda)
9:00 am- 9:10 am- Welcome
Session I:
9:10 am -- 12:00pm (50 minutes for each presentation including discussion)
- Julia Valdes (UCI), Examining the Effects of Priming on Private Politics Use
- Marisa Kellam (Waseda), Can Democracy Survive Without Free Media?
- Airo Hino (Waseda), Lost in Translation?: Testing the Validity of Ideological Scales in Japan
12:00 p.m. Lunch Break
Session II:
13:30 pm -- 16:20 pm (50 minutes for each presentation including discussion)
- Yasushi Asako (Waseda), Strategic Ambiguity with Probabilistic Voting (full paper:LinkIconambiguyity_probvote.pdf)
- Toshi H. Arimura (Waseda), Seemingly Unrelated Interventions: Environmental Management Systems in the Workplace and Energy Conservation Behaviors at Home (full paper:LinkIcondp1802.pdf)
- Vellore Arthi (UCI), Can Migration Make Deadly Recessions Look Healthy? Evidence from Large-Scale Linked Microdata
16:20 pm --16:30 pm – Closing
If you would like to attend the lunch please RSVP to sbrasier@uci.edu
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