Participants from outside California arrive at the hotel. (No events planned)


9.30-10:00 Coffee

10:00-10:15: Introduction and Welcome

Bernie Grofman, University of California, Irvine

Desmond King, Nuffield College, Oxford University (in spirit)

10:15-12:45: Campaign Contributions and Campaign Regulation in the U.S


Bernie Grofman, University of California, Irvine (Citizens United) 

David Magleby, Brigham Young University (non-candidate funding)

Adam Bonica, Stanford (early money)

Jacob Grumbach, University of California, Berkeley (campaign contributions and activist groups)

Sylvia Kim, Cal Tech (hidden donors)

1:00-2:00: Lunch (in the hotel, poolside if the weather is nice, the Island Ballroom otherwise)

2:15 - 4:00: Campaign Contributions, Campaign Regulation and Lobbying in Comparative Perspective

Chair and Discussant: Diego Garzia, University of Lucerne


Susan Scarrow, University of Houston (comparative campaign finance)

Maneesh Arora, University of California, Irvine (campaign finance effects)

Pablo Pinto, University of Houston (lobbying and international trade)

6:30 pm: Conference Dinner (transportation by taxi; meet in hotel lobby between 6:05 and 6:10.

Il Fornaio, 18951 Von Karman Ave. Irvine

(949) 261-1444

If you are planning to go on your own to the restaurant please let Bernie know so that we will not wait for you in the lobby


9:30-10:00 Coffee

10:00-12:15: Central Banks, Taxation, and Government Spending


Nina Bandelj and Christoffer Zoeller, University of California, Irvine (closing the gold window)

Lucy Barnes, University College, London (the Government’s money)

Carolina Garriga, CIDE, Mexico (central banks & civil war termination)

Erin Lockwood, University of California, Irvine (central banks & intl. regulatory bodies)

12:15-1:30: Lunch (in the hotel)

1:45-3:30: Roundtable: What does Donald Trump’s Win Tell Us about American Politics?


Thomas Edsall, Columbia School of Journalism/Washington Post

Alex Hertel-Fernandez, Columbia University

Carole Uhlaner, University of California, Irvine

3:30-4:00: General Discussion: Open Questions about Money and Politics