The following links provide access to several major international projects that are surveying public opinion in East Asia. In addition, the page includes information on where these data can be acquired. In addition, we provide access to some surveys. Several of these data files are provided in SPSS portable format, and require the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences program to analyze these data.

International Academic Survey Projects Including Asian Nations

The Asia Barometer
The Asia Barometer is a comparative survey of public opinion in Asia, covering East, Southeast, South and Central Asia. Three waves of the Asia Barometer have been conducted. The survey focuses on daily lives of ordinary people and their relationship to family, neighborhood, workplace, social and political institutions and market place. A CD with the data from the 2003 Asia Barometer is also contained in Takaski Inogouchi, et al. Values and Life Styles in Urban Asia, 2005.

The Comparative Study of Electoral Systems
The CSES is a collaborative program of cross-national research among election study teams in over fifty nations. Module I included Australia, South Korea, Hong Kong, Japan, New Zealand, Taiwan, and Thailand. Module 2 is presently being collected; current nations include Australia, Japan, New Zealand, Taiwan. The data are available for free download from the project website.

East Asian Barometer
This is a survey of nine East Asian nations that focuses on attitudes toward democracy, politics, reform and political action in East Asia. The survey included: China, Japan, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Mongolia, Philippines, South Korea, Taiwan, and Thailand.

International Social Survey Program
The International Social Survey Program (ISSP) s a continuing annual program of cross-national collaboration on surveys covering topics important for social science research. The ISSP regularly includes Australia, Japan, Philippines and Taiwan.

The World Values Survey

The WVS is a coordinated public opinion survey in over 60 nations representing more than 80 percent of the world's population. The 1999-2001 WVS included China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Philippines, Singapore and Vietnam. Earlier waves of the WVS contained additional Asian nations. Data from the WVS are available from the Inter-university Consortium for Social and Political Research at the University of Michigan. A CD with the data is also contained in Ronald Inglehart, et al. Human Beliefs and Values, 2004.

Accessible Survey Data for East Asia

The Korea Barometer Surveys
The Korea Barometer (KOBAR hereinafter) is directed by Doh Chull Shin at the University of Missouri. The KOBAR is an academically driven survey research program launched in 1994. Since then, the program has regularly conducted nationwide random sample surveys and generated trend data on mass reactions to the cultural, economic, political, and social changes taking place within the country. SPSS files with survey data from three Korean Barometers is available for download on the project website.

The World Values Survey, Vietnam 2001
In 2001 the Center for the Study of Democracy assisted the Institute for Human Studies in Vietnam in conducting the first national, scientifically sampled, public survey of political and social attitudes in Vietnam. This was part of the fourth wave of the World Values Survey. An SPSS file with the Vietnamese survey data is available for download on the project website.

Vietnam Longitudinal Survey
The Vietnam Longitudinal Survey is conducted by the Institute of Sociology in Vietnam and Professor Charles Hirschman from the University of Washington-Seattle. The survey was begun in 1995 and collects high quality demographic and social data for a representative sample of Vietnamese households. The survey data are available for download on the project website.

Survey Data Archives

A User's Guide to Japanese Election Surveys
The first Japanese election survey was conducted in 1967, and there is now a long series of nationa election polls. However, these data reside in different archives and websites. The attached list describes each survey and provides a link to where it might be acquired.

Australian Social Science Data Archive
The Australian Social Science Data Archive (ASSDA) at The Australian National University (ANU), was set up in 1981 to collect and preserve computer-readable data relating to social, political and economic affairs and to make the data available for further analysis.

The China Data Archive, Texas A&M University
TThe China Archive at Texas A&M University is a data archive dedicated to support of scholarly, empirical research by anthropologists, economists, historians, political scientists, sociologists, and others in the fields of business, agriculture, and engineering.

The East Asian Institute
The East Asia Institute (EAI) is an independent and nonprofit organization that strives to transform East Asia into a society of nations based on liberal democracy, market economy, open society, and peace. Recent Korean survey data are available for download from the EAI website.

The Social Science Japan Data Archive

The SSJ Data Archive is a comprehensive archive of social science data concerning Japan. The SSJDA collects, compiles, and digitizes micro-level data on Japanese society, and offers them for secondary analysis.

Public Opinion Program, University of Hong Kong
The Public Opinion Programme (POP) was established in June 1991 to collect and study public opinion on topics which could be of interest to academics, journalists, policy-makers, and the general public.

Survey Research Data Archive, Taiwan
The Survey Research Data Archive (SRDA) is located at Academia Sinica in Taiwan. SRDA collects, manages, archives and distributes survey data on Taiwan.

International Media and Commercial Survey Projects Including Asian Nations

Gallup Millennium Survey
The Gallup International Millennium Survey interviewed 50,000 people in 60 countries. The survey focuses on issues such as democracy, environment, human rights, women's rights, religion, crime and "what matters most in life".

The Japanese Data Archive at the Roper Center
The Roper Center's Japanese Data Archive has two components:1) JPOLL, the on-line, question-level database of Japanese public opinion, and 2) Japanese data library, which is made up of thousands of Japanese survey research studies.

The Pew Global Attitudes Project
The Pew Global Attitudes Project is a series of worldwide public opinion surveys conducted in 2002 and 2003. The 2002 survey included Bangledesh, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Philippines, and Vietnam. The 2003 survey included Australia, Korea and Indonesia. The reports from the project are available on the website.

The Voice of the People
Since 2002 Gallup International has conducted an annual survey that includes a large number of East Asian nations. The 2002 survey, for example, focused on the topic of trust and included Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, and Malaysia.

Japanese Cabient Profiles
Created at UCI, the Japanese Cabient Profiles are meant to serve as a guide that allows Japan scholars to trace the movments of numerous cabinet members from 2001 onward. Japanese Cabinet Profiles Homepage