Research Grants Awarded to CSD Faculty
“Political Parties and Democratic Linkage”
Russell Dalton
This grant will support two scholars – David Farrell and Ian McAllister to collaborate
on finishing this book which examines the functioning of the party government model
for contemporary democracies, beginning with the role of parties in elections campaigns
to their impact on government policy outputs.
Politics of Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration Colloquium (PRIEC)
Louis DeSipio and Carole Uhlaner
This colloquium is a collaboration between scholars of race and ethnic politics
at Southern California colleges and universities and offers an opportunity for graduate
students to present works in progress.
6th Annual Irvine-Japan Conference
Ami Glazer
This grant will support the department of Economics annual conference to be held
at UC Irvine.
“Criminal Regulation of Sexual Activity”
David J. Frank
This grant will support the second phase of his research on the criminal regulation
of sexual activity.
“Internet and Voting” Conference
Bernard Grofman
This grant will support the two-part conference whose first part will be held in
June 2010 at the European University Institute in Fiesole (Florence), Italy, with
a follow-up session at UCI.
Democracy and Conflict Lunch Series
Michael McBride
This grant will support this lunch series to discuss theories of conflict.
Public Goods Conference
Donald Saari
This grant will support the Public Goods Conference to be held at UC Irvine on January
22, 23, 24, 2010.
Modeling Conflict and Its Governance Conference
Donald Saari and Stergios Skaperdas
This grant will support the Modeling Conflict Conference to be held at UC Irvine on
February 12-14, 2010.
Impact of Voluntary Associations on Government Policies
Evan Schofer
This grant will support Beth Gardner for one month RAship.
“Bush vs Gore: A Decade of Decisions”
Charles (Tony) Smith
This grant will support research on the aftermath of the Supreme Court decision in
Bush v Gore that purported to limit its application to the instant case.
“Law and Latte” 2010-2011 Series
Charles (Tony) Smith
This grant will support the Law and Latte discussion series, chaired by Charles Smith.
“Black Legislative Policy Makers: Winners or Losers?”
Katherine Tate
This grant will support one graduate student for two months to code for roll call
votes that won and lost for major policies during the Clinton administration for
the CBC and other House caucuses.
"1989: Twenty Years after the Fall of the Berlin Wall and Tiananmen demonstrations"
Nina Bandelj and Dorothy Solinger
This grant will support a conference in November 2009, which will bring together
world renowned senior scholars and junior specialists on Central
and Eastern Europe, Russia and China.
"Citizens, Context, and Choice: How Institutional Structures Shape Citizen Behavior"
Russell Dalton and Chris Anderson
This grant partially supports a research conference on how political institutions,
party systems and democratic processes shape how people make their voting decisions.
The analyses are based on the national election studies conducted by the Comparative
Study of Electoral Systems. This conference will be in June 2009.
"Collective Research and Collective Action Workshop"
David Snow
Organizational Meeting and Workshop for the CSD Research Program in Collective Action
and Social Movements with Professors Bert Klanderman (Free University, Amsterdam),
Mario Dani (University of Trento) and Shizheng Feng (Renmin University, Beijing,
China) February 2009.
"Gendered Participation"
Francesca Polletta
National Conference on Dialogue and Deliberation. This project investigates the idea
that the sites of public political talk together make up the public sphere are variably
gendered, with consequences for women's participation and influence. Austin, Texas,
October 3-5, 2008.
“Newspaper Coverage of Social Movement Organizations”
Edwin Amenta
This grant will be used to create an understanding of social movements and political
advocacy organizations, in order to better the understanding of the politics of
the disadvantaged.
“Economy and State: A Sociological Perspective”
Nina Bandelj
This grant will be used to finish a book project, under contract with Polity Press
(expected publication 2010). The aim of the book is to develop a conceptual framework
for understanding the state/economy nexus from a sociological perspective.
“Citizsenship Norms, Citizenship Behavior and Gender Cross-National Patterns and
Pathways of Citizenship among Men and Women Applicants”
Catherine Bolzendahl
This project examines the meaning (norms) and practice (behavior) of citizenship
among men and women cross-nationally. Given the central importance of political
and social participation for full citizenship, more research is needed to determining
whether women and men formulate citizenship differently, unequally, or both.
“Deliberative Democracy in Action”
Martha S. Feldman, Francesca Polleta and Shawn Rosenberg
The seed grant will support the development of a new course on Deliberative Democracy
and Collaborative Governance. The course will be team taught by Martha Feldman
(Planning, Policy and Design in the School of Social Ecology), Francesca Polletta
(Sociology in the School of Social Sciences) and Shawn Rosenberg (Political Science
in the School of Social Sciences) and offered for the1st time in the Spring term
2008. The funding will be used to bring visitors to the class sessions.
“A Study of the Implementation of Rape-Law Reform”
David John Frank
Grant support will be used to merge new cross-national data on rape-law reforms
between 1954-2005 with existing data on the numbers of rapes reported to the police.
This will find that reform outcomes have both country and world level correlates
and those outcomes are positively associated with exposure to world society and
global institutionalizations.
“A Collaboration Between Departments of Political Science at the University of California,
Irvine and the University of Bologna”
Bernard Grofman
The seed grant is based on the long run agreement for faculty interchange and research
collaboration signed in 2004 between CSD (and two other University of California
research centers) and the Department of Political Science at the University of
Bologna. The funds support a planning meeting at UCI March 14-15, 2008 to plan
a conference on "The Consequences of 1990s Electoral Reform in Japan and Italy," and
support for UC participants to attend the December 2008 conference in Bologna to
be organized on this topic.
“Electoral Engineering in New Democracies”
Marek Kaminski
This funding for research will lead to a book that will develop both some theory
and methodology for working with electoral manipulation as well as describe some
empirical cases of electoral manipulation based on Polish elections.
“Conflict and the Shadow of the Future: Continuing Experimental Studies”
Michael McBride and Stergios Skaperdas
This project examines how the future, and individuals' and groups' perspective of
the future, impact present-day conflict. Funds will be used to pay human subjects
and lab fees, and the findings of the experiments will be used to write an external
“Gender Dynamics in Public Deliberative Forums”
Francesca Polletta
Does the abstract discourse of reason-giving that is privileged in normative accounts
of deliberative democracy disadvantage women? In this study of gender dynamics in
an online forum convened to deliberate about the future of the World Trade Center
site in the wake of the September 11 attack, we focus on men and women's styles of
participation and seek to measure the authoritativeness of those distinctive styles.
“Prometheus Bound: The Judicialization of State Ballot Initiatives”
Charles Anthony Smith
Seed Grant funds for this project will be used to propose the construction of preliminary
database of selected state ballots, which will draw conclusions about the role of
state ballot initiatives as well as the judiciary. This will allow the construction
of a comprehensive database that will lead to a comprehensive study.
“Sub-constituency Politics and the Gay and Lesbian Vote”
Charles Anthony Smith
This project aims to determine the level of elected official responsiveness to gay
and lesbian constituencies. Funds will be used to hire an RA and travel for collaboration
in building a preliminary database. The PI will seek external funding.
“A Study of the Appeal of Megachurches: Identifying, Framing, and Solving Personal
& Political Problems”
David A Snow
The funding will be used to develop an NSF grant proposal to conduct a team field
study that will attempt to advance understanding of the growth of contemporary megachurches.
This will be done by examining a neglected facet of how they go about the business
of attracting new members and retaining old ones. Funds will be used to conduct
preliminary field work and to develop a sample of megachurches.
“Poverty and Preemptive Political Accountability Without Democratic Politics?"
Dorothy Solinger
This project seeks to find the factors prompting Chinese decision makers to offer
new disbursements to the poor. It also investigates the views that the impoverished
urban population hold toward the government. Funds will be used for travel to China
and research assistance in China.
“Union Structure and Democracy"
Judy Stepan-Norris
This grant will be used to continue work on a co-authored project on union structure
and democracy. This is a pilot study designed to assess the cost and effort involved
in collecting data on all American labor unions, 1900-2005.
“State Channeling of Social Protest in South China"
Yang Su
This project seeks to turn a case study on state accommodation of social protests
into a multiple-location project that documents the variations of the mechanisms
involved. Funds will be used on airfare to Hong Kong, local transportation and expenses.
"Public Views on Corruption: Where Do They Come From and How Do They Affect Political
Yuliya V. Tverdova
This project will investigate how people's perceptions of corruption are formed in
various countries, and in different contexts of democracy. It also explores how
these perceptions influence individuals' vote choices. Funds will be used to hire
an RA.
“Immigrant Parents and Political Children? Changes in Parental Legal Status and
the Political Attitudes and behaviors of 1.5 and 2nd Generation Immigrant Children”
Louis Desipio
This project assesses how changes in parental immigrant status or civic involvement
change the political attitudes and behaviors of 1.5 and 2nd generation children
born or raised in the United States. Assessment on whether there is a cross-generational
benefit to U.S. civil society in programs that legalize unauthorized immigrants,
in immigrant naturalization, or in immigrant transnational engagement.
“Ways of Knowing in Democratic Problem Solving”
Martha Feldman
This grant will be used to prepare for a special issue of the International Public Management Journal,a set of publishable manuscripts that explores how policy issues influence our
ability to use deliberative processes in democratic problem solving.
“Perceptions of Inequality and Political Participation in China”
Wang Feng
This project goal is to better understand the perceptions of social inequality and
their associations with political participation in China. The seed grant funds will
be used to conduct interviews and to create a network between colleagues both in
China and in the U.S., to explore ways of obtaining additional funding to support
research in this area.
“Impact of Direct Democracy”
Amihai Glazer and Shaun Bowler
The forthcoming edited volume is based on papers presented at a conference held
on January 14-15, 2005 at UCI. The volume marks the first attempt to examine systematically
the impact of direct democracy on representative democracy. Topics discussed include
the effects of direct democracy on presidential campaigns, on political parties,
on special interest groups, and on the efficiency of government. Grant funds
will be used to finish book.
“Protests and Political Accountability without Democratic Politics”
Dorothy Solinger
Since the mid-1990s. the outcomes of market reforms in Chinese cities have produced
a rash of protests by affected groups. The study of the increased investment by
the regime in welfare for the poor that followed begins with the following hypothesis:
Although no elections are held at the national level, and though there are no contending
political parties in China, the regime--via its fear of protests and disorder—has
nonetheless been accountable, if in its own way.
“The Political Mobilization and Incorporation of Vietnamese-Americans: Access to
Power in Orange County”
Carole Uhlaner
This project explores the process of political mobilization among political elites
and members of the public in the first district Orange County Board of Supervisors.
Funding will support the collection of data through personal interviews and mail
20th Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall Conference: Preliminary Activities
Nina Bandelj
(Additional funding from Research Network 1989)
The project goal is to organize a conference to mark the 20th anniversary of the
fall of the Berlin wall. The conference is planned for November 2009 at UCI. The
seed grant will be used to participate in the opening plenary of the Research Network
1989 at the European University Institute, Florence, in order to build links and
institutional connections for the planning of the 2009 UCI event.
Navigating the Legislative Divide: Polarization, Presidents, and Policymaking, 1953-2004
Matthew N. Beckman
Seed Grant funds will be used for research assistance to compile, match, and code
the CQ votes. This will show whether or not presidents� lobbying increases success
and whether or not this is bolstered by polarization as compared to greater homogeneity.
Creating a Democratically Active Citizenry Through Participatory Governances Process
Martha Feldman and Kathryn Quick
This grant will support research to continue following the zoning ordinance processes
by attending community meetings and small business contracting and union negotiations.
In addition, through this field visit, interviews with city commissioners and previous
city managers will be conducted.
Analysis of Sodomy-Law Reforms in the Post-World War II Period
David Frank
Grant support provided to analyze sodomy-law reforms in the post World War II period,
interpreting the repeal wave from the perspective of world society and emphasizing
the role played by global institutions in facilitating regulatory reforms in countries
world wide.
Measuring Demand for Transitional Justice and Effectiveness
Marek Kamenski
This grant supports a collaborative visit with his co-author. This will aid in completing
the conceptual work for building a dataset that will examine the determinants and
consequences of transitional justice demand and effectiveness of transitional justice
The Political Participation of Celebrities
Judy Stepan-Norris and David Meyer
This grant will be used for research assistance. Undergraduates will compile data
on celebrities' political contributions in order to determine the partisan bias of
various groups of celebrities.
Doubly Disenfranchised? How race/Ethnicity and Religiosity Shape the Political Incorporation
of Muslim Americans
Jen�nan Ghazal Read
This grant will be used for research assistance to conduct literature searches on
racial/ethnic difference in U.S. political incorporations and Muslim American political
engagement; conduct preliminary analysis of two data sets; and help prepare the external
grant proposal.
The Feasibility of Collaborative Governance: Theory and Research on Deliberative Democracy
Shawn Rosenberg
This conference assembles researchers in political science and public administration
to examine the nature and quality of citizen deliberation. Political scientists and
policy analysts suggest that involving citizens directly in the policymaking process
will legitimatize political processes. Theorists argue that reliance on citizen
deliberation constitutes a normatively satisfactory form of democratic practices.
2007 Summer Workshop on Social Movements at Renmin University of China in Beijing
David A. Snow and Yang Su
(Additional funding from the Ford Foundation and Renmin University of China)
This grant will support a two-week summer workshop on the social movement theory
and research at Renmin University of China in Beijing in July 2007, followed by the
selection, translation, and publication of noteworthy scholarly social movement literature
in China.
Updating the Voting Model: Economic Voting in Established and New Democracies
Yuliya V. Tverdova
Seed Grants funds will be used to hire a graduate research assistant to help with
data coding and literature review.
U.S. Supreme Court Decision-Making
Bernard Grofman
This grant will support a co-author�s visit to analyze a database created on the
U.S. Supreme Court decision-making. The evolution of case laws in the Supreme Court
will be studied with a focus on seeing how particular ideas/precedents come to assume
a dominate role within a particular jurisprudential domain and come to cross over
from one jurisprudential domain to another.
The Dynamics of Social Movement Coalitions: The Case of Win Without War
David S. Meyer
This project traces the development and maintenance of cooperation among social movement
organizations, examining both internal and external factors that affect the likelihood
of political organizations finding ways to work together effectively.
Conflict and the Shadow of the Future: An Experimental Study
Stergios Skaperdas and Michael McBride
The grant will be used on a pilot experiment with human subjects and the development
of computer software to manage and collect experimental data. Testing will be on
the impact of the shadow of the future on conflict in a controlled, laboratory setting.
Globalization, Global Inequality and Democracy: A Network Analytic/World-System Approach
David Smith
Using multiple network analysis, we examine the relationship between a country's
position in a hierarchically organized structure of commodity trade and that nation's
level of democracy. Dominant positions encourage democratization through the strengthening
of labor and consumer power, while subordinate positions restrict democratization
by constraining the growth of labor and consumption.
Gathering Statistical Data on Protest and Welfare in China, France, and Mexico, 1980
to 2005: Does the Regime Type Matter, and if so, How?
Dorothy J. Solinger
The project explores the weight upon the respective outcomes each displayed of their
similar economic predicaments as of 1980, against that of their marked political
variations. Funding will support collection of more statistical material for a draft
book under review.
Path-Dependent Democracy: How Union Democracy Affects Subsequent Membership Gains
Judith Stepan-Norris (UCI) and Caleb Southworth (University of Oregon)
This project seeks to uncover the relationship between trade union democracy and
changes in union membership during the 20th century.
Ways of Knowing and Implications for Democracy
Martha S. Feldman and Helen Ingram
Seed Grant Funds will cover travel for participants attending a conference that
seeks to find tools to integrate different "ways of
learning" a public problem that foster an alternative way of knowing the problem
that is broadly inclusive in its composition ad capacities.
The Politics of Veiling in Comparative Perspective: Muslim Integration in the United
States and France.
Jen'nan G. Read
Seed Grant Funds will be used in helping to pay for costs associated with an international
conference in France entitled, "The Politics of Veiling in Comparative Research".
The conference will focus on four organizing themes that unite the French and
the U.S. cases.
Why Committees Rule
Amihai Glazer
Seed Grant Funds will be used to fund a planning conference on the topic of "Why
Committees Rule". The idea behind the conference would be to better understand
the conditions which make decisions by committee superior to decisions by an individual.
Participatory and Deliberative Democracy in International Context
Shawn Rosenberg
Seed Grant Funds will be used to host a conference entitled, "Participatory and
Deliberative Democracy in International Context". The aim of the conference would
be to bring together political theorists, empirical researchers and practioners
to discuss the limits and possibilities of deliberative decision-making. Particular
attention would be paid to cross-national comparisons and the role played by political
culture and existing political practices in the institutional and conduct of citizen
The Underpinnings of Presidential Popularity: A Comparative analysis of
Russia and the United States
Yuliya V. Tverdova
Seed Grant Funds will be used to analyze and compare two countries-Russia and the
United States, in terms of their underpinnings of presidential popularity. Funds
will allow for a research assistant to help compile a dataset using various survey
data sources publicly
available on the Internet.
Can Majorities Decide? An Introduction to Group Decision Making Over a Multidimensional
Space of Policy Alternatives
Bernard Grofman
Seed Grant Funds will be used to support a co-author’s visit to UCI which will enable
finishing a book, “Can Majorities Decide?” This project uses real-world congressional
voting patterns in large to test formal models of voting patterns in legislature.
The Worldwide Evolution of the University in the 20th Century
David Frank
Seed Grant Funds will be used to begin an analysis of university catalogs, to develop
a coding scheme and assemble a dataset of 25 universities in 25 countries for 5 time
periods. The aim of the project is to investigate the expansion of university curricula
over time and the expansion of the role and identity of the student. Collaboration
with Professor John Mayer of Stanford University.
Embedded Economies: Social Foundations of Foreign Direct Investment in Central and
Eastern Europe
Nina Bandelj
Seed Grant Funds will be used to finish a book, “Embedded Economies” which examines
foreign direct investment in eleven Central and Eastern European countries to understand
economic transformations after state-socialism.
Trends and Patterns of Urban Income Inequality in China
Feng Wang
Seed Grant Funds will be used to obtain and establish at UC Irvine a database that
allows for the systematic and longitudinal study of changing income inequality in
China. Data through 2005 will be gathered through the Chinese National Bureau of
Governing Globalization in the Presence of Conflict
Stergios Skaperdas
Seed Grant Funds will allow the review of research collected on the topic of the
effects of globalization on governance. The project seeks to disaggregate the impact
of globalization by country income. Collaboration with Professor Michelle Garfinkel
and Costas Syropoulos.
Citizens, Elections, and Democracy In East Asia
Russell J. Dalton
Seed Grant Funds will support an International Conference that will assemble participants
from four new international projects on public opinion in East Asia that define the
nature of electoral politics in the region.
Research Projects prior to 2005
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