UC Irvine offers several forms of financial support to qualified graduate students.

  • Peltason Fellowship. To honor Jack and Suzanne Peltason's contribution to higher education and the study of American society, the Center for the Study of Democracy administers the Jack and Suzanne Peltason Fellowship on Democracy. Jack Peltason is the Chancellor emeritus of UC Irvine and President emeritus of the University of California system, as well as one of America's leading scholars on the Constitution. The fellowship supports entering students who participate in the Graduate Program on Democracy at UCI.
  • Willie L. Brown Fellowship and James L. Brulte Fellowship for incoming graduate students in Sociology and Political Science. These fellowships recognize Mayor Brown and Senator Brulte for their distinguished public service career in California.
  • William F. Podlich Fellowship offers support to incoming graduate students who participate in the Graduate Training Program on Democracy that is conducted under the aspices of UCI's Center for the Study of Democracy, encompassing students in the Departments of Political Science, Sociology and Enonomics. The Podlich Democracy Fellowship is given to students interested in the processes aimed at reforming, improving and expanding the democratic process in the U.S., but also worldwide. While priority will be given to students whose fields of study include political institutions, public opinion, public policy, or national, state and local government, other areas central to democracy studies such as social movements or transitions to democracy will also be considered. The Fellowship can provide support for Ph.D. students who are interested in academic careers or those interested in applying their knowledge in the public or private sectors.
  • Aznar-Argyros Fellowships are also available for incoming graduate students in Sociology and Political Science.  These fellowships recognize Former Prime Minister of Spain, José María Aznar and Former US Ambassador George Argyros for their support for freedom and democracy.
  • Merit Fellowships and Regents' Fellowships are also available through faculty recommendation for entering graduate students.
  • The Eugene Cota-Robles Fellowship is offered through the UCI Graduate Studies Office to students from disadvantaged backgrounds.
  • Research assistantships through faculty-specific research grants awarded at the discretion of each grant's principal investigator.
  • Teaching assistantships funded by the campus and awarded by the School on a competitive basis.

In each category, qualified women and minorities are very strongly urged to apply. Funds are available for a fellowship stipend and in-state fees.  Student who are not U.S. residents are encouraged to seek additional, independent support to cover foreign-student tuition.

Further information about applying to graduate school at UC Irvine, costs estimates, and other material for prospective students is available from UC Irvine Office of Graduate Studies. In addition, further information about graduate programs in the social sciences is available from the Social Sciences Graduate Office or contact Kevin Olson, Director of Graduate Studies in Political Science, or Catherine Bolzendahl and/or Ann Hironaka Co-Directors of Graduate Studies in Sociology.