Bernie Grofman & Michael Alvarez
Center for the Study of Democracy, University of California, Irvine
Cal Tech/MIT Voting Technology Project
April 16-17, 2011

Laguna Room, Hotel Laguna
425 South Coast Highway
Laguna Beach, CA 92651

with support from the University of  California, Irvine Center for the Study of Democracy and the Jack W. Peltason Endowed Chair
Saturday, April 16

09:30    Welcome

10:00    Panel I - Voting Technology

Chair: Bernard Grofman (UCI)  
Charles Stewart (MIT) – What Hath HAVA Wrought?  Consequences, Intended and Not, of the Post-Bush v. Gore Reforms
Martha Kropf (University of North Carolina-Charlotte) – The Evolution (or not) of Ballot Design Ten Years After Bush v. Gore
Discussant:    Peter Miller (Political Science, UCI)

12:00     Lunch

1:30      Panel II - Non Polling Place Voting
Chair: Mike Alvarez (Cal Tech) 
Jonathan Nagler (NYU) – Absentee Ballot Regimes: Easing Costs or Adding A Step? Electoral Laws and Turnout, 1972-2008
Paul Gronke (Reed College) – Bush v. Gore: A critical juncture for early voting?
Thad Hall (University of Utah) – Poll Workers and Polling Places
Discussant:  Matthew Jarvis (Political Science, California State University, Fullerton

Sunday, April 17

10:00    Panel III - In the Footsteps of Bush v. Gore
Chair:  Rick Hasen (Law School, UCI)
Mark Braden (Of Counsel, Baker Hostetler)  - Disputed Elections Post Bush v. Gore:  Are Federal Courts Entering the Political Contest Thicket?
Tony Smith (Political Science, UCI) – The Cites That Counted: A Decade of Bush v. Gore Jurisprudence                                                                                                                
Nate Persily (Columbia Law School) - Bush v. Gore in the American Mind: Reflections and Survey Results on the Tenth Anniversary of the Decision Ending the 2000 Election Controversy
Discussant:  Rick Hasen (Law School, UCI)

12:00    Lunch

2:00     Panel IV - Eligibility to Vote
Chair:    Matthew Jarvis (Political Science, CSU, Fullerton)
Michael Alvarez (Cal Tech), Thad Hall (University of Utah) - Resolving Voter Registration Problems: Making Registration Easier, Less Costly and More Accurate           
Lonna Atkeson (University of New Mexico) – Voter Confidence In 2010:  Voter Identification, perceptions of Fraud, Winning and Losing and the Voting Experience
Discussants:  Tova Wang (DEMOS)                                                              
Justin Levitt (Loyola Law School/Los Angeles) 

Please rsvp to or 949/824-2904 which dates/panels and lunch you plan on attending as soon as possible as seating is limited.