4th Annual CSD Graduate Student Conference

9:00-9:30 (SSPB 1208)       Registration and Breakfast

9:30-10:00 (SSPB 1208)     Introduction

10:00- 11:45am (SSL 270): PANEL 1 - ISSUES IN PUBLIC POLICY

Chair: David Meyer

Ensch, John, Dept. of Political Science, UC, Irvine
The Challenge of Interregional Cooperation: An Analysis Transportation Financing within Metropolitan Planning Organizations

Knoesen, Sarah, Dept. of Political Science, UC, San Diego
Public Service Provision in South Africa: The Variation in Access to Electricity, Water and Sewerage and the Municipal Ward Level between 1996 and 2001

Discussant: Professor Tony Smith

10:00-11:45pm (SSL 290): PANEL 2 - MEASUREMENT

Chair: Yuliya Tverdova

Kline, Reuben, Dept. of Political Science, UC, Irvine
An Empirical Investigation into the Differences between Measures of the Effective Number of Parties Using Alternative Weighting Schemes

Discussant: Professor Filipo Tronconi

Min, Brian
Who Gets Public Goods? Democratization and the Provision of Rural Electrification.

Terry, William C., Dept. of Political Science, UC, San Diego
Measuring the Presidential Risk Factor: A Comment on Cheibub’s Presidentialism, Parliamentarism, and Democracy


Weller, Nick and Ziegler, Melissa, Dept. of Political Science, UC, San Diego
Measuring Government Capacity with Taxation Ability

Discussant: Professor Rein Taagepera


11:45 - 12:45 Lunch


12:45-2:30pm (SSL 270): PANEL 3 - DEMOCRATIZATION

Chair: Matt Beckmann

Benitez, Mauricio, Dept. of Political Science, UC, Berkeley
Democratization and Distributive Policy in Mexico

Wong, Stan Hok-Wui, Dept. of Political Science, UCLA
Rethinking Capital Mobility and Democratization: The Size of Political Regimes and Endogenous Capital Mobility

Cohn, Molly, Dept. of Political Science (future), UC, Santa Barbara
Is Sunshine the Best Disinfectant? The Causal Relationship Between Media Freedom and Democratization

Discussant: Professor Wayne Sandholtz


12:45-2:30pm (SSL 290): PANEL 4 - ECONOMIC MODELING

Chair: Nina Bandelj

Kumar, Vimal, Dept. of Political Science, UC, Irvine
Production, Appropriation and the Dynamic Emergence of Property Rights

Maheshri, Vikram, Dept. of Economics, UC, Berkeley
Political Expenditures and Power Laws: A Spatial Model of Lobbying

Suarez-Serrato, Juan Carlos, Dept. of Economics, UC, Berkeley
The Role of Political Parties in Electoral Competition

Discussant: Professor Amihai Glazer

2:30 - 3:00 Coffee Break


Chair: Yuliya Tverdova

Angelescu, Laura, Dept. of Economics, USC
The Effects of Transition of Life Satisfaction in Poland

Bailard, Catie Snow, Dept. of Political Science, UCLA
The Internet’s Effect on Individual Satisfaction with how Democracy Functions in Nations

Discussant: Professor Russ Dalton

Cooper, Katie, Dept. of Political Science, UC, Irvine
Differences in Participation in Old and New Democracies

Discussant: Professor Filipo Tronconi

3:00-4:45pm (SSL 290): PANEL 6 - ELITE POLITICS

Chair: David Meyer

Alexander, Amy, Dept of Political Science, UC, Irvine
The Influence of Context on Parliamentarian Support for Reproductive Rights

Coulter, Kris, Dept of Political Science, UC, Irvine
Conceptions of Citizenship: Women, Abortion Rates, and the Welfare State

Jansen, Robert S., Dept. of Sociology, UCLA
Two Paths to Populism: Explaining Peru’s First Episode of Populist Mobilization

Kandil, Hazem, Dept. of Sociology, UCLA
Islamization of the Egyptian Intelligentsia: Discourse and Structure in Socialization Strategies

Discussant: Professor Gideon Rahat

Conclusuion: 4:45-5:00pm