Center for the Study of Democracy, UC Irvine, The University of Missouri, The East
West Center
March 19-20, 2004
This is a collaborative project between the Center for the Study of Democracy, the Korean Foundation Chair of Korean Studies at the University of Missouri, the East West Center and the POSCO Program at the East West Center in Honolulu. The project assembles an international team of distinguished scholars who are examining citizen attitudes toward democracy and markets in East Asia and the established Western democracies of the Pacific Rim. This research is based on the data from the newest wave of the World Values Survey. The project is directed by Russell Dalton of UC Irvine and Doh Chull Shin of the University of Missouri.
Welcome to EWC
Friday, 8:30AM: East West Center, Director's Conference Room
Choong Nam Kim, East West Center
Theme I: Modernization and Human Value Change
Friday, 9AM: East West Center, Director's Conference Room
CHAIR: Choong Nam Kim, East West Center
Chris Weltzel, International University of Bremen and Ronald Inglehart, University
of Michigan, "The Human Development Model and Value Change"
Tan Ern-Ser, National University of Singapore, "Singapore in Global Perspective: Economic
Change and Value Shift"
Pham Minh Hac, Institute for Human Studies, Vietnam and Pham Thanh Nghi, Institute
for Human Studies, Vietnam, "Value Survey on Democracy and Market in Vietnam"
Theme IIa: Support for Democracy
Friday, 1PM: East West Center, Director's Conference Room
CHAIR: Arun R. Swamy, East West Center
Russell Dalton, UC Irvine, and Doh Chull Shin, University of Missouri, "Democratic
Aspirations and Democratic Ideals"
Hans-Dieter Klingemann, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, "Government Evaluations and Democratic
Theme IIb: Support for Democracy Continued
Friday, 3PM: East West Center, Director's Conference Room
CHAIR: Doh Chull Shin
Ken'ichi Ikeda, University of Tokyo, "Social Capital and Democratic Attitudes"
Russell Dalton, UC Irvine, and Nhu-Ngoc Ong, UC Irvine, "Authority Orientations and
Democratic Attitudes in East Asia: A Test of the 'Asian Values' Hypothesis"
Nhu-Ngoc Ong, UC Irvine, "Changes in Attitudes toward Democracy among Asian Generations"
Theme IV: Factors Influencing Support for Markets
Saturday, 9AM: Hilton Hawaiian Village, Sea Pearl Suite
CHAIR: Hans-Dieter Klingemann
Doh Chull Shin, University of Missouri and Russell Dalton University of California,
Irvine, "Exploring Weber's Theory in Confucian East Asia: Contemporary Attitudes toward
the Principles and Norms of Capitalism"
Chung-Si Ahn, Seoul National University and Jiho Jang, Kwangwoon University, "Public
Support for Market Reforms in Nine Asian Countries: Divergence of a Market-Based Economy"
Zhengxu Wang, University of Michigan, "The Impact on Self-Expression Values: Economic
Growth, Modernization, and Higher Education".
Theme V: Roundtable Discussion of the next World Values Survey in East Asia
Saturday, 1PM: Hilton Hawaiian Village, Sea Pearl Suite
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