October 28, 1999

9:15 Introduction and welcoming comments
Russell Dalton, UC Irvine

9:30 The State of American Politics Today
Norman Ornstein, American Enterprise Institute

11:00 The Changing Congress
Chair: Mark Petracca, UCI
Barbara Sinclair, UCLA
Nelson Polsby, UC Berkeley

12:15 A Presidential Strategy in Crisis
James McGregor Burns, Williams College
(in Crystal Cove Auditorium)

2:00 Primary Madness: The Frontloaded System of 2000
Chair: Carole Uhlaner, UCI
Martin Wattenberg, UC Irvine
Austin Ranney, UC Berkeley
David Magleby, Brigham Young University

3:30 Race and Politics: A Look Toward the Future
Bernard Grofman, UC Irvine
Katherine Tate, UC Irvine

4:30 Closing remarks from Jack Peltason

7:30 The Inaugural Peltason Lecture on Democracy
(in Crystal Cove Auditorium)
An Address by
Paul Simon, Former U.S. Senator from Illinois
and Southern Illinois University

JAMES MACGREGOR BURNS Chancellor's Distinguished Fellow at UCI and Woodrow Wilson Professor of Government Emeritus at Williams College. He won the Pulitzer Prize for his study of the FDR presidency, authored a 1960 biography of John F. Kennedy, and his just-released book, Dead Center, examines the Clinton presidency. He is one of America's specialists on the presidency and leadership.

BERNARD GROFMAN Professor of Political Science at UC Irvine. He is an authority on representation and voting rights in the United States, comparative election systems and public choice theory. His recent publications include: Race and Redistricting in the 1990s, Legislative Term Limits, Information, Participation and Choice, Quiet Revolution in the South, and Controversies in Minority Voting.

DAVID MAGELBY Professor of Political Science, Brigham Young University. Magelby is a specialist on elections, campaign finance, and referendums. Among his recent books are The Myth of the Independent Voter, The Money Chase, and Government by the People.

NORMAN ORNSTEIN Resident Scholar at the American Enterprise Institute. He is one of America's leading academic commentators on Congress and the U.S. policy process. He contributes regularly to CBS News and USA Today and numerous other media. His most recent books include Lessons and Legacies, Debt and Taxes, and Intensive Care.

JACK PELTASON Professor of Political Science, UC Irvine. He is an expert on America constitutional politics and American political institutions. He has written on the constitution, the courts, state and local government. His books include Government by the People and Understanding the Constitution, both of which have been continually updated for over forty-five years.

NELSON POLSBY Heller Professor of Political Science, UC Berkeley. He is a renowned specialist on American government and the U.S. Congress. His publications include Community Power and Political Theory, Congress and the Presidency, Presidential Elections, and The New Federalist Papers.

AUSTIN RANNEY Professor Emeritus of Political Science at UC Berkeley. His work has focused on political parties, nominating processes, and elections, especially referendums. He has been editor of the American Political Science Review and president of the American Political Science Association. His recent publications include: Electioneering, Governing, and Referendums around the World.

PAUL SIMON Director of the Public Policy Institute, Southern Illinois University. He spent 5 terms in the U.S. House and 2 terms in the U.S. Senate, and ran for president in 1988. He now teaches political science and journalism at Southern Illinois University and has written 18 books including Advice and Consent, We Can Do Better, The Dollar Crisis (with Ross Perot), and Tapped Out.

BARBARA SINCLAIR Marvin Hoffenberg Professor of American Politics, UCLA. Her primary research interest is in policy and institutional change in democratic systems, especially the U.S. Congress. Her most recent book is Unorthodox Lawmaking: New Legislative Processes in the U.S. Congress.

KATHERINE TATE Associate Professor of Political Science at UC Irvine. Her research focuses on the politics of minority groups in the American political system, as well as race and urban politics. She is author of From Protest to Politics and co-author of African Americans and the American Political System.

MARTIN WATTENBERG Professor of Political Science at UC Irvine. Wattenberg is a leading expert on American politics, particularly elections and political parties. His two major studies of American electoral politics are The Rise of Candidate Centered Politics and The Decline of American Political Parties.

Public Lectures

We especially welcome student and community friends to two public lectures that will be given in the Crystal Cove Auditorium, UCI Student Center on October 28th.

Chancellor's Distinguished Fellow Lecture

James MacGregor Burns
Williams College
A Presidential Strategy in Crisis

12:15 PM
Crystal Cove Auditorium
UCI Student Center

The Inaugural Peltason Lecture on Democracy

An Address by
Paul Simon
Former U.S. Senator and
Professor, Southern Illinois University

7:30 PM
Crystal Cove Auditorium
UCI Student Center

This program is sponsored by the Center for the Study of Democracy, with support from the Hewlett Foundation, the UCI Chancellor's Distinguished Fellows Program, the Political Science Department, and Friends of the Center. The Center is a research group of nearly 30 faculty at four University of California campuses. The Center sponsors research and educational activities that might strengthen the democratic process at home and aid the consolidation of new democracies abroad.