This research focuses on the empirical analysis of the intersection of race, ethnicity, and democratic politics.

CONVENOR: Louis DeSipio


Frank Bean
Professor, Sociology, UC Irvine

Louis DeSipio
Assistant Professor, Sociology, UC Irvine
Cynthia Feliciano
Assistant Professor, Sociology, UC Irvine
Sara Goodman
Assistant Professor, Political Science, UC Irvine

Bernard Grofman
Professor, Political Science, UC Irvine

Claire Kim
Associate Professor, Political Science, UC Irvine

Jennifer Lee
Associate Professor, Sociology, UC Irvine

Belinda Robnett
Associate Professor, Sociology, UC Irvine

Katherine Tate
Professor, Political Science, UC Irvine

Carole Uhlaner
Associate Professor, Political Science, UC Irvine



Black Attitudes toward the Bush Administration
African Americans, Identity and Political Participation in the Post-1960s Era
Demonstrations in the Vietnamese-American Community
Racial and Ethnic Minorities and Legislative Participation
Race and the Political Incorporation of Racial Minorities in Comparative Perspective
Social Capital, Race, Ethnicity and Participation


The Political Incorporation of Immigrants
Social Movements, Public Policy, and Democracy


Katherine Tate, Black Faces in the Mirror: African Americans and their Representatives in Congress . (Princeton University Press, 2003).
David Meyer, Nancy Whittier, and Belinda Robnett, editors. Social Movements: Identity, Culture, and the State (Oxford University Press, 2002).

Belinda Robnett-Olsen, Does Collective Identity Matter? African-American Conventional and Unconventional Political Participation (CSD-07-05)
Belinda Robnett-Olsen, Gendered Resource Returns: African American Institutions and Policical Engagement (CSD-07-04)
Miki C. Kittilson and Katherine Tate, Political Parties, Minorities and Elected Office: Comparing Opportunities for Inclusion in the U.S. and Britain (CSD04-06)
Jon Fraenkel and Bernard Grofman, A Neo-Downsian Model of the Alternative Vote as a Mechanism for Mitigating Ethnic Conflict in Plural Societies (CSD04-01)
Steve Weldon, Images of Nationhood and Tolerance of Ethnic Minorities: A Comparative Analysis of Western Europe (CSD03-09)
Louis DeSipio, Immigrant Organizing, Civic Outcomes: Civic Engagement, Political Activity, National Attachment, and Identity in Latino Immigrant Communities (CSD02-08)
Carole Uhlaner, The Impact of Perceived Representation on Latino Political Participation (CSD02-06)