This research studies how collective decisions are made which require some people to behave in ways not in their immediate self interest. The emphasis includes governance in public and private organizations. Much of the work assumes rational choice, but other motivations are also considered.

CONVENOR: Amihai Glazer


Linda Cohen
Professor, Economics, UC Irvine

Amihai Glazer
Professor, Economics, UC Irvine

Bernard Grofman
Professor, Political Science, UC Irvine

Marek Kaminski
Assistant Professor, Political Science, UC Irvine

Michael McBride

Assistant Professor, Economics, UC Irvine

Anthony McGann
Assistant Professor, Political Science, UC Irvine

Don Saari
Professor, Economics, UC Irvine

Stergios Skaperdas
Professor, Economics, UC Irvine

Carole Uhlaner
Associate Professor, Political Science, UC Irvine

Wang Feng
Associate Professor, Sociology, UC Irvine


Kai Konrad
Professor, Free University Berlin

Betrand Lemennicier
University of Paris II


Patent Enforcement by Regulation or Litigation
The Politics of Unemployment and Joining International Economic Organizations
Investing in Conflict Management: An Economic Approach
Growth within Inequality: Patterns of Income Inequality in China and the United States
Personal Characteristics and Leadership


Economics of Governance


Taxation and Decentralization
Corporate Governance
Formal and Informal Institutions to Cope with Risk and Credit in Developing Countries
Social Conflict and Economic Performance


Stergios Skaperdas, Barry Weingast, Donald Whitman, eds. Anarchy, Oxford Handbook of Political Economy (Oxford University Press, 2006)
Amihai Glazer and Kai K. Konrad, eds Conflict and Governance. (Springer Verlag, 2003).
Dorothy J. Solinger, David A. Smith, Steven Topik, editors. State and Sovereignty in the Global Economy. (Routledge, 1999).


Anita Charuworn and Linda R. Cohen, Patented Drugs, Generic Alternatives and Intellectual Property Regimes in Developing Countries (CSD04-07)
Stergios Skaperdas, Turning Citizens into Consumers: Economic Growth and the Level of Public Discourse (CSD03-07)
Feng Wang and Tianfu Wang, Bringing Categories Back In: Institutional Factors of Income Inequality in Urban China (CSD03-01)
David Smith and Michael Timberlake, "Global Cities" and "Globalization" in East Asia: Empirical Realities and Conceptual Questions (CSD02-09)
Amihai Glazer, Optimal Term Length When Misinformation Increases with Experience (CSD02-09)



Ph.D. Concentration in Political Economy/Public Choice