• Alexander, A.C. "Change in Women's Parliamentary Presence and Change in the Perception of Women's Ability to Rule: A 25 Nation Comparison." Paper Presented at the Annual Conference of the Midwest Political Science Association, April.
  • Alexander, A.C. With Welzel, C., "Islam's Patriarchal Effect: Substantive or Spurious?" Paper Presented at the Annual Conference of the Midwest Political Science Association, April.
  • Kris Coulter, "Agendas and Actionable Agendas: Why Dominant Images of the Anti-Rape Movement Generate Attention, 1960-1997." Paper Presented at the Annual Southern California Graduate Student Conference, May.
  • Kris Coulter, "Women, Access to Citizenship, and Reproductive Freedom: An Examination of Abortion Rates in the United States." Paper Presented at the Annual Conference of the Law and Society Association, May.
  • Kris Coulter, With Cialeo, C., "Ballot Initiative Laws and Constitutional Amendments: The Case of Same-Sex Marriage in the United States." Paper to be Presented at the Annual Conference of the Law and Society Association, May.
  • Reuben Kline, "An Experimental Bribery Game with Third-Party Punishment: Evidence from the U.S. and Pakistan." Paper presented at the Western Political Science Association Annual Meeting, March.
  • Peter Miller, With Paul Gronke, "The Effect of Voting by Mail in Washington: 1960-2008." Paper Presented at the Western Political Science Association meeting in March.
  • Michelle Peria, "Women's Work Preferences in Agua Prieta, Mexico: Maquiladora Work vs. Self-employment." Regular session: Gender and Development, American Sociological Association Annual Meeting.
  • Michelle Peria, "Changing Brazil's State Racial Policy: Intersection of Social Movements, International Events, Media and Local Politics." Section on Political Sociology: Roundtable session, American Sociological Association Annual Meeting.
  • Michelle Peria, "Olha eu vou ouvir a sociedade, eu vou fazer politica, eu vou me apresentar, eu vou me mostrar? Nunca tive essa finalidade." Panel presenter: Reflecting on affirmative action in Brazil: From race relations to public policy, Latin American Studies Association 2009 Congress.
  • Michelle Peria, With David Snow, Jimmie Bany, James Stobaugh. "A Team Field Study of the Appeal of Megachurches." Paper presented at Religion and Society 1 section, Pacific Sociological Association Meeting, San Diego.
  • Kathy Rim, "Developing a New Theory of Asian American Panethnicity." Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of Asian American Studies, Honolulu, HI, April.
  • Kimberly Shella. “Oil and the Environment: Civil Society Mobilization in the Success and Failure of Environment Mobilization”. Panel Presentation, International Studies Association, 2009. New York, NY.


  • Alexander, A.C. "The Gender Gap in Pathways to Parliament: Comparisons across Western Europe." Paper Presented at the Retreat for Young Comparativists sponsored by The Sociaty of Comparative Research, Yale University and the Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard, May
  • Alexander, A.C. With K. Coulter. "Explaining the Gender Gap in Pathways to Parliament: Comparisons across Western Europe." Paper Presented at the Annual Conference of the Midwest Political Science Association, April.
  • Alexander, A.C. With C. Welzel. "Effective Democracy: A Concept to Capture Democracy's Empowering Nature." Annual Conference of the Midwest Political Science Association, April.
  • Alexander, A.C. With C. Welzel. "Explaining Gender Equality: The Mediating Role of Emancipative Attitudes." Paper Presented at the Annual Conference of the Western Political Science Association, March 20-22.
  • Alexander, A.C. "The Influence of Context on Parliamentarian Support of a Women's Right to Choose." Paper Presented at the Annual Conference of the Southwestern Social Science Association, March 12-15.
  • Kris Coulter, "The Impact of Welfare State Policies on Abortion Rates." Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Midwest Political Science Association, April 2008.
  • Kris Coulter, "Contextualizing Gender Differences in Elite Recruitment and Selection." Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Midwest Political Science Association, April 2008, with Alexander, A.C.
  • Kris Coulter, "Conceptions of Citizenship: Women, Abortion Rates, and the Welfare State." Paper presented at the Annual Graduate Conference of the Center for the Study of Democracy, March 2008.
  • Kris Coulter, "Gender Differences in Elite Recruitment and Selection: Comparing European Democracies." Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Western Political Science Association, March 2008, with Alexander, A.C.
  • Reuben Kline With Christopher Stout, "Ashamed Not to Vote for an African-American; Ashamed to Vote for a Woman: An Analysis of the Bradley Effect from 1982-2006". Paper presented at the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, August.
  • Natalie Masuoka and Kathy Rim, "Political Participation and Group Consciousness: Asian Americans as a Case Study." Annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Boston, MA.
  • Michelle Peria, "Mega-churches and Self-help: Identifying and Solving Personal Problems." Paper presented at Religious Life and Culture section, Yale Urban Ethnography Project Conference, April.
  • Kathy H. Rim, "Structure, Agency, and Cumulative Disadvantage in the Immigration Rallies of 2006: Comparative Analysis of Latina/o and Asian American Elite Mobilization." Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association, San Diego, CA, March 2008 (and the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, Sept. 2007.
  • Kimberly Shella. “Mixed Effects of Diversity on Interethnic Trust: Ethnically Divided, New Democracies”. Panel Presentation, International Studies Association, 2009. New York, NY. Panel Presentation, African StudiesAssociation, 2008. New York, NY.
  • Elizabeth Sowers and Ron Lesthaeghe, "Sub-Replacement Fertility: Why Pure Postponement Models are Inadequate." Poster Presentation at the 2008 Annual Meetings of the Population Association of America, New Orleans, LA, 2008.
  • Christopher Stout, "Rating LA's Top Cop: Assessing the Effect of Race on Police Chief Approval." Politics of Race, Immigration, and Ethnicity Colloquium, Riverside, California 2008.
  • Christopher Stout, "Rating LA's Top Cop: Assessing the Effect of Race on Police Chief Approval." Western Political Science Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, California 2008.
  • Christopher Stout, "The Bradley Effect 25 Years Later: Assessing Poll Discreancies in Elections with Black Candidates." American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts 2008.
  • Janelle Wong, Kathy Rim, and Haven Perez, "Latino and Asian Protestant Churches and Conservative Politics in the United States." Politics of Race, Immigration, Ethnicity Consortium, University of California, Irvine, July 2008.


  • Alexander, A.C. With K. Coulter. "Gender Differnces in Elite Recruitment and Attitudes: Comparing European Democracies." Paper Presented at the Annual Conference of the Americal Politicval Science Association, September.
  • Alexander, A.C."Evaluating Support for Democratic Communities in the Attitudes of European Parliamentarians from Eastern and Western Europe". Paper Presented at the Summer School on Democracy and Governance in Central and Eastern Europe, Luneburg, Germany, August 11-25.
  • Alexander, A.C. "Empowering Women: The Role of Economic Development, Political Cuture and Institutional Design in the World's Societies". Paper Presented at the Annual Conference of the Midwest Political Science Association, April.
  • Alexander, A.C. With Welzel, C. "Empowering Women: Four Theories Tested on Four Different Aspects of Gender Equality." Paper Presented at the Annual Graduate Student Conference for the Center for the Study of Democracy, February.
  • Catherine Corrigall-Brown, "Protest Among the Homeless: Explaining Differential Participation." Presented at the American Sociological Association Conference, New York 2007.
  • Kris Coulter, "Gender Differences in Elite Recruitment and Attitudes: Comparing European Democracies." Paper resented at the Annual Conference of the American Political Science Association, August 2007, with Alexander, A.C.
  • Bruce Hemmer, "Difficult in the Best of Circumstances: Citizen Peacebuilding & Democratization in Northern Ireland," International Studies Lecture Series, University of California, Irvine, May 2007
  • Bruce Hemmer, The Democratization of Peacebuilding: Democratic Exposure and the Politically Participatory Ideology of Peacebuilding NGOs in Northern Ireland and Bosnia. Cutting Edge Theories and Recent Developments in Conflict Resolution Conference, Program on Analysis and Resolution of Conflicts, Syrcuse University, September 2007
  • Mike Jensen, “Electronic Democracy in America” Presented to the Jaume Bofill Foundation, April 19, 2007, Barcelona, Spain.
  • Mike Jensen, “Images of Citizenship: A Content Analysis of Local Government Websites.” at the Midwest Political Science Association Conference, April 12-15, Palmer House, Chicago, Illinois.
  • Mike Jensen, “Government Websites and Political Engagement: Facilitating Citizen Entry into the Policy Process.” Presented at the Towards Electronic Democracy Workshop, 10^th International Conference on Business Information Systems, April 25-27, Poznan University of Economics, Poznán, Poland.
  • Willy Jou, “Not Just a Western Phenomenon? Testing the Impact of Social Capital in Asia”, presented at the Midwest Political Science Association 65th Annual National Conference, Chicago, April 12-15, 2007
  • Willy Jou, "Difficult in the Best of Circumstances: Citizen Peacebuilding & Democratization in Northern Ireland" International Studies Lecture Series, University of California, Irvine, May 2007
  • Jane Junn and Natalie Masuoka. “The Face of Immigration: Examining the Effect of Implicit Racial Messages on Support for Immigration Reform.” American Political Science Association Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL. 2007.
  • Mike Latner, "Place and Electoral Patterns in U.S. Metropolitan Areas" w Jefferey Sellers, 2007 International Metropolitan Observatory Conference, Stuttgart, Germany.
  • Nhu-Ngoc T. Ong. Transnational Commodification of Governance: Popular Music Industry in Vietnam. Paper presentation at the European Association for South-East Asian Studies Conferences, Naples, Italy, September 2007.
  • Nhu-Ngoc T. Ong, Commodification of Governance: Music Production in Vietnam. Paper presentation at the Graduate Student Conference on Vietnamese Studies, UC Berkeley, February 2007.
  • Natalie Masuoka and Kathy Rim. “Developing a Comparative Framework to Study Race and Ethnic Politics: Asian American Vote Choice and Racial Group Attachment.” Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL. April.
  • Michelle Peria, “Passing Affirmative Action Legislation in Rio de Janeiro: The Intersection of Social Movements, Media, & Local Politics.” Paper presented as part of Anti-Racism in Latin America , Pacific Sociological Association Meeting, Oakland, 2007.
  • Kathy H. Rim, "Structure, Agency, and Cumulative Disadvantage in the Immigration Rallies of 2006: Comparative Analysis of Latina/o and Asian American Elite Mobilization." Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association, San Diego, CA, March 2008 (and the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, Sept. 2007.
  • Kathy H. Rim, "Hawaii versus the Mainland: Examining the Impact of Racial Group Consciousness on Asian American Political Participation." Annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, April 2007 ( and the Politics of Race, Immigration, Ethnicity Consortium, University of Southern California, April 2007.
  • Kimberly Shella. “Interethnic Trust and Membership in Liberal and State-linked Associations in Nigeria”. Panel Presentation, African Studies Association, 2007. New York, NY.
  • Christopher Stout, "The Missing Link in Black Participation: Black Candidates at the State Level and Their Effect on Turnout." Western Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada 2007.
  • Christopher Stout, "The Missing Link in Black Participation: Black Candidates at the State Level and Their Effect on Turnout." American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois 2007.


  • Alexander, A.C. With Balding, C. "The Hard Part of Becoming a Female Representative: Becoming a Female Candidate." Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the American Political Science Association, August.
  • Alexander, A.C. With Monrow, K.R., Ozyurt, S, and Wrigley, T. "Gender Equality in Academia: Bad News from the Trenches and some Possible Solutions." Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, July.
  • Alexander, A.C. "Evaluating Gendered Contexts of Women's Local Elite Political Participation: A Look at Political Office-Holding and Candidacy in California Cities." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association, March.
  • Catherine Corrigall-Brown, "Staying In or Getting Out? Predicting Sustained Participation or Disengagement from Two Social Movements." Presented at the American Sociological Association Conference, Montreal. 2006
  • Catherine Corrigall-Brown. "A Battle of Authenticity: Assertions of Identity and Legitimacy at Anti- and Pro-Iraq War Protests." Presented at the American Sociological Association Conference, Montreal. 2006.
  • Louis DeSipio, Natalie Masuoka and Chris Stout. “Asian American Immigrants as the New Electorate: Exploring Turnout and Registration of a Growing Community.” Western Political Science Association Annual Meeting. Albuquerque, NM. March 2006
  • Louis DeSipio, Natalie Masuoka and Chris Stout. “The Changing Non-Voter: What Differentiates Non-Voters and Voters in Asian American and Latino Communities?” American Political Science Association Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA. September 2006.
  • Buce Hemmer,"Peace Constituency Mobilization by Peacebuilding NGOs in Northern Ireland & Bosnia" American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, September 2006
  • Willy Jou, “Critical Citizens in Eastern and Central Europe? Examining Democratic Support”, presented at the Midwest Political Science Association 64th Annual National Conference, Chicago, April 20-23, 2006
  • Willy Jou, "Peace Constituency Mobilization by Peacebuilding NGOs in Northern Ireland & Bosnia" American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, September 2006
  • Jane Junn and Natalie Masuoka. “Asian Pride or Ambiguous Identities? The Influence of Asian American Racial Group Consciousness on Participation.” Western Political Science Association Annual Meeting. Albuquerque, NM. March. 2006.
  • Mike Latner. "Place and Electoral Patterns in U.S. Metropolitan Areas: An Interim Report" w Jefferey Sellers, Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Philadelphia, PA September, 2006..
  • Lindsey J.H. Lupo, "Significant Learning Experiences: Assessment and Outcomes." Presentation at the American Political Science Association Teaching and Learning Conference, Washington D.C., Feb. 18-20, 2006.
  • Anthony McGann and Mike Latner. "Consensus Democracy without Veto Players" 2006 meeting of the American Political Science Association, Philadelphia, PA. 2006
  • Natalie Masuoka. “Contesting Racial Group Cohesion: Multiracial Incorporation and Minority Political Opportunity in the 2000 Census debates.” American Political Science Association Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA. September 2006.
  • Nhu-Ngoc T. Ong. “Single-Party Rhetoric versus Multi-Party Programs: The Irony of the Communist Party of Vietnam.” Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, Atlanta, GA, January 2006.
  • Kathy H. Rim, "Model, Victim, or Problem Minority? Examining the Socially Constructed Identities of Asian Origin Ethnic Groups in California's Media." Annual meeting of American Political Science Association Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA, Sept. 2006 (and the annual meeting of the Western Political Science Association, Albuquerque, NM, March 2006).
  • Christopher Stout, "The Changing Non-Voter: What Differentiates Non-Voters and Voters in Asian American and Latino Communities?" American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA 2006.


  • Alexander, A.C. With Monroe, K.R., Ozyurt, S., Wrigley, T. "The Psychology of Success: Discrimination and Coping Among Women in Academia." Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Sociaty of Political Psychology, July.
  • Michele Budz, "Protecting Refugees: Domestic and Regional Sources of Regime Maintenance." Paper presented at the 46th Annual International Studies Association Convention, Hawaii, March 2005
  • Matthew Cardinale, "Triple-Decker Disenfranchisement: First-Person Accounts of Poor, Homeless Americans with a Prior Felony Conviction." Pacific Sociological Association Annual Conference, Portland, Oregon, April 10, 2005, Session on Civil Society and Democracy.
  • Matthew Cardinale, "Democracy Despite Barriers: Explaining the Political Alienation of Most Homeless Youth and the Unlikely Activism of Some." Center for the Study of Democracy Graduate Student Research Conference, Panel on Political Participation and Civic Engagement. Irvine, California, February 26, 2005
  • Catherine Corrigall-Brown, "Movement-Countermovement Dynamics: The Analysis of War Protests" Co-presented with Sharon Oselin and David Snow at the Pacific Sociological Association conference, Portland. April 2005
  • Catherine Corrigall-Brown, "Intergenerational Conversations: The Future of Social Psychologies" Panel participant at the Pacific Sociological Association conference, Portland. April 2005
  • Andrew Drummond, "Thinking Outside the (Ballot) Box: Do Electoral Rules have Enduring Cognitive Consequences for Partisans”, prepared for the annual meetings of the American Political Science Association, Washington D.C. (September, 2005)
  • Andrew Drummond, “Thinking Outside the (Ballot) Box: Gauging the Psychological Effects of Electoral Systems on Parties, Partisans and Partisanship in Twenty-six Old and New Democracies”, prepared for the annual meetings of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL. (April, 2005)
  • John Ensch, "Two Rival Models to Explain the Introduction of Proportional Representation Electoral Systems." Midwest Political Science Conference, Chicago, 2005
  • Bruce Hemmer, Putting the “Up” in Bottom-Up Peacebuilding: Aid, Legitimacy, and Political Engagement Democracy and its Development Conference, Center for Study of Democracy, Irvine, CA, February 2005
  • Bruce Hemmer, Putting the “Up” in Bottom-Up Peacebuilding: Aid, Legitimacy, and Political Engagement Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, April 2005
  • Michael Latner, “Place and Electoral Patterns in U.S. Metropolitan Areas” co-authored presentation at the International Metropolitan Observatory Project, Bordeaux, May 2005
  • Michael Latner, 2005 Midwestern Political Science Association, “Political Science’s Search for Democratic Community” and “The Impact of Municipal Boundaries on Electoral Politics,” Midwestern Political Science Association, 2005
  • Lindsey J.H. Lupo, Western Political Science Association, March 17-19, 2005, in Oakland, California. Panel Chair: The Changing Landscape of Urban Politics.
  • Natalie Matsuoka, "Political Attitudes and Ideologies of Multiracial Americans: The Implications of Mixed Race in the U.S ." paper to be presented at the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., September 2005
  • Natalie Matsuoka, "Getting Out the Vote Among Asian Americans and Latinos in Southern California: A Field Experiment." (with Janelle Wong, Ricardo Ramirez, Jillian Medeiros and Jungmiwha Bullock) paper to be presented at the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., September 2005
  • Natalie Matsuoka, "Latino Group Consciousness: Examining its Measurement Across Surveys." paper presented at the Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, April 2005
  • Natalie Matsuoka, "Asian American Political Mobilization: Lessons from the California Recall Election." (with Daniel HoSang) paper presented at the Association for Asian American Studies Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, April 2005
  • Natalie Matsuoka, "Diversifying America: Examining Perceptions and Attitudes of Multiracial Americans" paper presented at the Western Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Oakland, CA, March 2005
  • Nhu-Ngoc T. Ong, "Little Saigon: The Present Political Climate and Future Potentials. Roundtable discussion at the conference “30 Years Beyond the War: Vietnamese, Southeast Asian, and Asian/American Studies,” University of California, Riverside, April 19-20, 2005
  • Nhu-Ngoc T. Ong, "Social Representations of Democracy in a Vietnamese-American Newspaper. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the Association for Asian American Studies, Los Angeles, CA, April 2005
  • Nhu-Ngoc T. Ong. “Democracy in Little Saigon: A Case of Vietnamese-American Political Activism.” Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, D.C., September 2005.
  • Nhu-Ngoc T. Ong. “Attitudes toward Democracy among Asian Generations.” Paper presentation at the regional meeting of the World Association for Public Opinion Research, Hong Kong, December 2005.
  • Kimberly Shella. “Generating Interethnic Trust and Rejecting Violence: Comparing Liberal and State-Linked Associations”.Panel Presentation, MPSA Annual Conference, 2005. Chicago, IL.
  • Alix van Sickle and Russell J. Dalton. The Roots of Political Protest: A Contextual Analysis of Protest Behavior. Presented at the annual meeting of the International Studies Association in Honolulu, Hawaii March 2005.
  • Steven Weldon, "Attachment to Parties as a Measure of Institutionalization" (co-author), Paper prepared for the conference on "Political Parties and Political Development". National Democratic Institute, August 2005.
  • Steven Weldon "Modeling the Contextual and Individual Determinants of Party Member Activism." Paper presented at the annual meetings of the American Political Science Association, Washington, D.C. September 2005.
  • Steven Weldon "Mobilizing the Choir: Party Activism in Advanced Industrial Democracies." Paper presented at the annual meetings of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, April 2005.


  • Alexander, A.C. "Rawls and the Equal Worth of the Political Liberties: A Necessary Foundation for Democratic Inclusion." Paper presented at the California State University, Fullerton Conference on Democracy, September.
  • Alexander, A.C. "New Frontiers: The Role of Democracy and Citizsenship." Panel Chair/Discussant at the Annual Conference of the American Political Science Association, September.
  • Matt Barreto, "Ecological Regression and Ecological Inference in the Presence of Systematic Bias in the Measurement of the Independent Variable" Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, 2004.
  • Matt Barreto, "Ethnic Cues: The Role of Shared Ethnicity in Latino Vote Choice" Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, 2004.
  • Matt Barreto, and Louis DeSipio, "The Effects of Redistricting on Latino Participation: Do the Stakes Change When Your Representative Changes?" paper presented at the 2004 annual meetings of the Western Political Science Association, Portland, OR.
  • Matt Barreto, and Louis DeSipio, "Race, Redistricting and New Theories on Latino Turnout in 2002," paper presented at the 2004 annual meetings of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.
  • Matt Barreto (and Bernard Grofman), "Ecological Regression and Ecological Inference in the Presence of Systematic Bias in the Measurement of the Independent Variable," paper presented at the 2004 annual meetings of the Southern Political Science Association, New Orleans, LA.
  • Matt Barreto (with Mara Marks and Nathan Woods), "Homeowners Versus Renters: Southern California's New Fault Line," paper presented at the 2004 annual meetings of the Western Political Science Association, Portland, OR.
  • Matt Barreto (with Mara Marks and Nathan Woods), "Precinct Quality and Voter Turnout: Race, Income, and Civic Participation," paper presented at the 2004 annual meetings of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.
  • Matt Barreto, and Natalie Masuoka, "Engagement, Recruitment and Minority Participation: Measuring the Mobilizing Effects of Co-Ethnic Candidates on Latino and Asian Voter Turnout," paper presented at the 2004 annual meetings of the Western Political Science Association, Portland, OR.
  • Matt Barreto, and Natalie Masuoka, "Do Co-Ethnic Candidates Change the Stakes for Latino and Asian Voters? Estimating Voter Turnout in 2002," paper presented at the 2004 annual meetings of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.
  • Matt Barreto (with Gary Segura and Nathan Woods), "Partisan Gerrymandering, Overlapping Districts and Voter Turnout," paper presented at the 2004 annual meetings of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.
  • Matthew Cardinale, "Resilience and Struggle Among Homeless Youth in New Orleans, Louisiana," Paper presented at the annual meetings of the American Sociological Association, San Francisco, 2004.
  • Catherine Corrigall-Brown "Why Frames Sometimes Fall on Deaf Ears: The Problems of Misalignment, Scope, Exhaustion, and Relevance" Co-presented with David Snow at the American Sociological Association conference in San Francisco, California. August 2004
  • Catherine Corrigall-Brown "Contested Patriotism: An Ethnographic Study of War Protests in Southern California" Co Presented with Sharon Oselin and David Snow at the Society for the Study of Symbolic Interactions conference in San Francisco, California. August, 2004
  • Catherine Corrigall-Brown (with David Meyer), "Anti-War Coalitions in the Wars Against Iraq" Presented at the American Sociological Association Conference, San Francisco. August 2004.
  • Catherine Corrigall-Brown (and David Snow), "Why Frames Sometimes Fall on Deaf Ears: The Problems of Misalignment, Scope, Exhaustion, and Relevance." Paper presented at the American Sociological Association Conference, San Francisco. August 2004.
  • Catherine Corrigall-Brown (with Sharon Oselin and David Snow), "Contested Patriotism: An Ethnographic Study of Interactions at Anti-War Protests". Paper presented at the Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction Conference, San Francisco. August 2004.
  • Catherine Corrigall-Brown. "Coalitions in the Anti-War Movement" Presented at the One Year Later Conference. New York, New York. March, 2004.
  • Michael Jensen, "Electronic Government, Electronic Democracy, and Modalities of Membership in the Local Political Community," paper presented at the 2004 annual meetings of the Western Political Science Association, Portland, OR.
  • Michael Latner and Anthony McGann, "Geographical Representation Under Proportional Representation: The Cases of Israel and the Netherlands," research monograph in the Center for the Study of Democracy series, CSD04-09.
  • Sharon Lean, "Evaluating Election Monitoring in the Americas," paper presented at the 2004 annual meetings of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.
  • Lindsey J.H. Lupo 2004. Processing the Violence: A Comparison of Commission Politics in the United States and Post-Transition Societies. Paper presented at the Judging Transitional Justice conference, October 30-31, in Laguna Beach, California
  • Lindsey Lupo, "The Road to Freedom: Democratic Transitions and Political Violence in the Third-Wave and After," paper presented at the 2004 annual meetings of the Western Political Science Association, Portland, OR.
  • Lindsey Lupo, "Democratization in the Third Wave: Political Violence as a Transition Tactic," paper presented at the 2004 annual meetings of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.
  • Natalie Masuoka, "Together They are One: Examining Notions of Linked Fate Among Latinos and Asian Americans" Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, 2004.
  • Natalie Masuoka and Becki Scola, "Crossing Intersections: Race, Gender, and Mobilizing Identities," paper presented at the 2004 annual meetings of the Western Political Science Association, Portland, OR.
  • Nhu-Ngoc T. Ong Support for Democracy among Vietnamese Generations. Paper presentation at the “Vietnam 2005” conference organized by the Vietnamese Culture and Science Association, Ngay Nay Magazine, and St. Thomas University, Houston, TX, November 11-12, 2004
  • Nhu-Ngoc T. Ong Expectations of Vietnamese women: Are there demographic differences? Paper presentation at the international meeting on “Post-transitional Vietnamese Families: Exploring the Legacy of Doi Moi,” organized by the Population Studies Center at University of Western Ontario and Institut National d’Etudes Demographiques in Paris, France, October 23-24, 2004
  • Nhu-Ngoc Ong T. Vietnamese Gender Perception. Roundtable discussion on Vietnam organized by the Vietnam Studies Library, Turino, Italy, October 19, 2004
  • Nhu-Ngoc Ong, "Changes in Attitudes toward Democracy among Asian Generations," Conference on Citizens, Democracy and Markets around the Pacific Rim, East West Center, Honolulu, HI.
  • Nhu-Ngoc Ong, "Re-imagining the Homeland: Vietnamese-American Protests, 1975-2001," paper presented at the annual meeing of the Association for Asian American Studies, Boston MA, March 2004.
  • Nhu-Ngoc Ong and Russell Dalton, "Authority Orientations and Democratic Attitudes in East Asia: A Test of the 'Asian Values' Hypothesis," Conference on Citizens, Democracy around the Pacific Rim, East West Center, Honolulu, HI.
  • Nhu-Ngoc Ong and David Meyer, "Protest and Political Incorporation: Vietnamese American Protests, 1975-2001," research monograph in the Center for the Study of Democracy series, CSD04-08.
  • Deana Rohlinger, "Reflections of Success and Failure in Media Coverage: Theorizing the Interactions between Social Movements and Mass Media," Paper presented at the American Sociological Association Conference, San Francisco. August 2004.
  • Alix van Sickle (and Russell Dalton), "Why People Protest: The Resource, Structural and Cultural Bases of Protest," paper presented at the annual meetings of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, 2004.
  • Alix van Sickle. Consolidating Democracy from the Top Down or Bottom Up? A Comparison of NGO Structures and Strategies in Argentina, paper presented at the annual meeting of the Latin American Studies Association in Las Vegas, Nevada October 2004.
  • Steve Weldon, "The Party on the Ground: A Cross-National, Multi-Level Analysis of Party Membership in Advanced Industrial Democracies," paper presented at the annual meetings of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, 2004.


  • Matt Barreto (with Paul S. Martin and Kati Meyers), "The Problem of Secondary Inequality in Political Participation," paper presented at the 2003 annual meetings of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.
  • Matt Barreto (with Ricardo Ramirez and Nathan Woods), "Are Naturalized Voters Driving the Latino Electorate? Measuring the Impact of IRCA on Latino Voting in California," paper presented at the 2003 annual meetings of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.
  • Matt Barreto (and Carole Uhlaner), "Gender Roles and Participation: How Traditional Family Values Hamper Women's Participation," paper presented at the 2003 annual meetings of the Western Political Science Association, Denver, CO.
  • Matt Barreto (with Ricardo Ramirez and Nathan Woods, "Are Naturalized Voters Driving the Latino Electorate? Measuring the Impact of IRCA on Latino Voting in California," paper presented at the 2003 annual meetings of the Western Political Science Association, Denver.
  • Matt Barreto, "Optimism and Pessimism in the City of Angels: The Impact of Racial Attitudes," paper presented at the 2003 annual meetings of the Western Political Science Association, Denver.
  • Matt Barreto (and Rodolfo Espino, Adrian Pantoja, Ricardo Ramírez, "Selective Recruitment or Empowered Communities? The Effects of Descriptive Representation on Latino Voter Mobilization" Paper presented at the annual meeting of The American Political Science Association, Philadelphia
  • Catherine Joanna Corrigall-Brown, "What Do Politics Have To Do With Me? An Analysis of Political Alienation Among Young Adults," paper presented at the 2003 annual meetings of the American Sociological Association, Atlanta.
  • Marcus Harper (and Carole Uhlaner), "Urban and Rural Political Participation in Bulgaria: The Role of Political Context" Paper presented at the annual meeting of The American Political Science Association, Philadelphia.
  • Bruce Hemmer, "Cradles of Civility? Multiethnic Associations as Sources of Inter-Ethnic Civility, Tolerance, Cooperation and Trust," Paper presented at the 2003 annual meetings of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago.
  • Bruce Hemmer, "Cradles of Civility? Multiethnic Associations and Interethnic Civility, Tolerance, and Trust," paper presented at the 2003 annual meetings of the Western Political Science Association, Denver.
  • Michael Jensen, "Truth and Politics: Science, Religion, Rhetoric, and Democracy," paper presented at the 2003 annual meetings of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.
  • Michael Jensen, "Truth and Politics: Science, Religion, Rhetoric, and Democracy," paper presented at the 2003 annual meetings of the Western Political Science Association, Denver, CO.
  • Michael Jensen (with James N. Danziger and Alladi Venkatesh), "Modes of Membership: A Preliminary Analysis of Data From Project POINT," paper presented at the CAL IT2 Conference, University of California, Irvine, November 2003.
  • Susan Kupperstein, "Follow the Money: What Determines U.S. Democracy Assistance Funding?" paper presented at the annual meetings of the International Studies Association, Porland, April.
  • Michael Latner, "Testing Election Systems Theory in Municipal Elections," paper presented at the 2003 Conference of the Western Political Science Association.
  • Michael Latner, "Density, Diversity and Mr. Rogers: Neighborly Trust as Constraint and Opportunity for Neighborhood Participation," prepared for presentation at the 2003 Conference of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.
  • Michael Latner and Michael Jensen, "Political Science, Political Theory, and Politics: A Kobe-Shaq Model of Reconciliation of a Discipline with its Object of Inquiry," prepared for presentation at the 2003 Conference of the International Studies Association.
  • Sharon Lean, "Building Domestic Social Capital Transnationally: Democracy Assistance to Civic Organizations in Latin America" Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Philadelphia.
  • Lindsey Lupo, "The Road to Freedom: Democratic Transitions and Political Violence in the Third Wave and After." International Studies Association West Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, October 10-11, 2003.
  • Lindsey Lupo, "The Legacy of Commission Politics: Racial Insurgency and the 1992 LA Riots," paper presented at the 2003 annual meetings of the Western Political Science Association, Denver, CO.
  • Nhu-Ngoc T. Ong, "Four Generations of Vietnamese: Hope for a Better Future." Paper presented at the conference for the national research program Kx-05, organized by the Institute for Human Studies, Hanoi, November 2003.
  • Nhu-Ngoc T. Ong, "Support for Democracy and the Market: Generational Change in Asia." Paper presented at the annual International Studies Association. February 26, 2003. Portland, Oregon.
  • Nhu-Ngoc T. Ong (and Russell Dalton), "Civil Society and Social Capital in Vietnam." Paper presented at the MISS-HISEDS International Conference "Modernization and Social Transformation in Vietnam." February 27, 2003. Goethe Institute, Hanoi, Vietnam.
  • Nhu-Ngoc T. Ong (and Russell Dalton), "Authority Orientations and Political Values in East Asia: A Test of the 'Asian Values' Hypothesis," paper presented at the annual meetings of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, April 2003.
  • Nhu-Ngoc T. Ong (and Russell Dalton), "Thinking of Lee Kuan Yew: Testing the 'Asian Values' hypothesis." Conference on Global Attitudes toward Democracy. Stanford University, Institute for International Studies meeting, Palo Alto.
  • Nhu-Ngoc T. Ong (and David Meyer). "Protest and Political Incorporation: Vietnamese American Protests, 1975-2001." Paper presented at the 2003 American Political Science Association Conference, Philadelphia.
  • Deana Rohlinger, "Theorizing Movement-Media Interactions: A Relational Approach," paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, Atlanta.
  • Alix van Sickle, "Civil Society and Democracy in Latin America," paper presented at the annual meetings of the Latin American Studies Association, March 2003.
  • Steve Weldon, "Images of Nationhood and Tolerance for Ethnic Minorities: A Comparative Analysis of Western Europe," paper presented at the 2003 annual meetings of the Western Political Science Association, Denver.
  • Steve Weldon, "Images of Nationhood and Tolerance for Ethnic Minorities: A Comparative Analysis of Western Europe," Research monograph series, Center for the Study of Democracy: UC Irvine. (CSD03-09).


  • Matt Barreto. "Searching for the Others: Predicting Identification as 'Other Hispanic or Latino' in the 2000 Census." 2002 Western Political Science Assoc. Annual Conference. (March) Long Beach, CA.
  • Matt Barreto, Gary M. Segura, Nathan D. Woods. "A Quasi-Experimental Estimation of the Effects of Overlapping Majority-Minority Districts on Turnout." 2002 Western Political Science Assoc. Annual Conference. (March) Long Beach, CA.
  • Matt Barreto. "On Colonialism and Democratization: Explaining Political Development Among Former Colonial States." 2002 International Studies Assoc. Annual Conference. (March) New Orleans, LA.
  • Matt Barreto. "Misidentification or Pan-Latino Consciousness? The Growth of the 'Other Hispanic or Latino' Category in the 2000 Census." 2002 Midwest Political Science Assoc. Annual Conference. (April) Chicago, IL.
  • Matt Barreto, Gary M. Segura, Nathan D. Woods. Rest Assured? Estimating the Potential Demobilization Effects of Overlapping Majority-Minority Districts." 2002 Midwest Political Science Assoc. Annual Conference. (April) Chicago, IL
  • Matt Barreto. "Democracy and Representation: An Essay on the Liberation of Puerto Rico." 2002 Caribbean Studies Assoc. Annual Conference. (May) Nassau, Bahamas.
  • Matt Barreto and Jongho Lee. "Are Latino voters 'sophisticated'?" 2002 American Political Science Assoc. Annual Conference. (Aug-Sep) Boston, MA.
  • Matt Barreto and Nathan D. Woods. "One Representative, 4 Million Constituents: Redistricting the LA County Board of Supervisors to Increase Latino Representation." 2002 American Political Science Assoc. Annual Conference. (Aug-Sep) Boston, MA.
  • Andrew Drummond, "Electoral Volatility and Party Decline in Western Democracies, 1945-90" Paper presented at the annual meetings of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, 2002.
  • Andrew Drummond, "Electoral Volatility and Party Decline in Western Democracies, 1945-90" Research monograph series, Center for the Study of Democracy: UC Irvine. (CSD02-02).
  • Marcus Harper, "Values and Protest in Post-communist Europe" Paper presented at the annual meetings of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, 2002.
  • Sharon Lean, "Quick Counts and Thunderstorms: The Role of International Election Monitors in Nicaragua's 2001 Elections" paper presented at the 2002 annual meeting of the Western Political Science Association. Long Beach, CA. March 22-24, 2002.
  • Susan Kupperstein, "The Limits of Transnational Advocacy Networks: Debt Relief or Debt Management." paper presented at the annual meetings of the International Studies Association, West, Las Vegas, October.
  • Lindsey Lupo, "Consensus Democracy and Levels of Political Violence: South Africa and Northern Ireland." Paper presented at the 2002 ISA West Conference, Las Vegas.
  • Nhu-Ngoc Ong (with Russell Dalton), "Democracy and Markets: Citizen Values in the Pacific Rim Region" Paper presented at the Hawaii International Social Science meetings, June 10-15, 2002.
  • Deana Rohlinger (with David Meyer), "Mass Media and the Diffusion of Movement Ideas," American Sociological Association Meeting, Chicago, Illinois August 16-19, 2002.
  • Deana Rohlinger (with David Meyer), "Transnational Social Movement Organizations in National Politics: Framing Abortion Discourse in the United States, England, and Ireland" Collective Behavior Social Movement Workshop, Notre Dame University, August 14-15, 2002.
  • Deana Rohlinger (with David Meyer), "Transnational Organizations in National Politics: Framing Abortion in England, Ireland, and the United States," Pacific Sociological Association, Vancouver, BC April 18-21, 2002.
  • Deana Rohlinger. "Movement-Countermovement Dynamics in the Abortion Debate: An Examination of Media Coverage Outcomes." Annuals meetings of the Southern Sociological Society, April 2002.
  • Kimberly Shella.  “Marriage, Men, and Children: Making More Political Women?” Paper presented at the MPSA AnnualConference, 2002. Chicago, IL.


  • Matthew Barreto and Nathan Woods,"Latino voting in an anti-Latino political context." 2001 Minority Representation in America. (February) Claremont, CA
  • Matt Barreto and Jose Munoz, "Gauging participation among Mexican immigrants in American politics." 2001 American Sociology Assoc. Annual Conference. (June) Anneheim, CA.
  • Caul, Miki. "Women Party Activists: Pressuring for More Women in Office." Paper presented at the annual meetings of the Western Political Science Association, Las Vegas, NV, 2001.
  • Harper, Marcus. "Fragmentation, Integration and Trade in the Former Soviet Union." ( Lee Kendall Metcalf). Presented at the annual meetings of the International Studies Association. Chicago, 2001.
  • McConnell, Sharon Lean. "First Nations and Democratic States: A Comparative Exploration" Paper presented at the annual meetings of the International Studies Association, Chicago, IL, 2001.
  • McConnell, Sharon Lean. "Truth Commissions, Trials and Reparations: Transitional Justice and Democratic Consolidation in Latin America" paper presented at the XXIII International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, Washington, DC September 6-8, 2001.
  • McConnell, Sharon Lean. "Global Citizens, National Politics: Transnational Social Movements Tactics and State Reaction in Mexico" paper presented at the annual meetings of the Western Political Science Association, Las Vegas, NV, 2001.
  • Ong, Nhu-ngoc and Russell Dalton. "The Vietnamese Public in Transition: The 2001 World Values Survey." Research monograph series, Center for the Study of Democracy: UC Irvine. (CSD01-09).
  • Recchia, Steve. "Explaining the International Environmental Cooperation of Democratic Countries." Research monograph series, Center for the Study of Democracy: UC Irvine. (CSD01-02).
  • Recchia, Steve. "Taking it to the Streets, or Elites? Environmental Group Success in the United States and Italy." Paper presented at the Greening X Conference, University of California, Irvine, 2001.
  • Rohlinger, Deana and David Meyer. "Big Books and Social Movements," Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Pacific Sociological Association Meeting, San Francisco, CA, March 2001.
  • Rohlinger, Deana. "Countermovement and Media Coverage Outcomes: A Case Study of the Abortion Debate." Research monograph series, Center for the Study of Democracy: UC Irvine. (CSD01-06).
  • Shella, Kimberly.  “Linking Civil Society to the State: Balancing Pluralism and Corporatism in Nigeria, Ghana, and Botswana". Panel Presentation, APSA Annual Conference, 2001. San Francisco, CA.
  • Shella, Kimberly.  "Whose Opinion Matters: Influence of Women's Social Networks on Political Perception". Paper presented at the MPSA Annual Conference, 2001. Chicago, IL.


  • Caul, Miki and Mark Gray. "Changing Party Profiles and Partisan Influence over Policy," Paper presented at the annual meetings of the American Political Science Association, Washington, D.C., 2000,
  • Cichowski, Rachel. Sustaining Democracy: Authoritarianism and Personalism in Irish Political Culture. Research monograph series, Center for the Study of Democracy: UC Irvine, 2000.
  • Harper, Marcus. "European Integration and Geographical Self-Identity." Presented at the Fourth International Fulbright Conference: Globalization and Cultural Differences. Sofia, Bulgaria, 2000.
  • McConnell, Sharon. "Globalization, Democratization and Governance in Latin America," Presented at the XXII International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, Miami, FL, 2000.
  • McConnell, Sharon. "Is Truth Enough? Reparations and Reconciliation in Latin America," Presented at the Workshop on Reparations, Vancouver, BC, 2000.
  • Newton, Lina. "Designing Threats: A Case Study in the Social Construction of Immigration as a Problem." Paper presented at the Western Political Science Association 2000 Annual Meetings, San Jose, California.
  • Recchia, Steve. "Determinants of State Engagement in International Environmental Treaties," Paper presented at the Western Political Science Association Annual Meetings, San Jose, CA, 2000.
  • Recchia, Steve (Russell Dalton and Robert Rohrschneider). "Global Environmentalism and Modes of Political Action." Paper presented at the annual meetings of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, 2000.
  • Recchia, Steve. "International Treaty Engagements in Nineteen Democracies" Paper presented at the annual Greening IX conference. Riverside: University of California, Riverside, 2000.
  • Rohlinger, Deana. "Social Movement Organizations and Media: An Examination of the Abortion Debate," Paper presented at the California Social Problems Conference, Riverside, CA, October 2000.
  • Rohlinger, Deana. "The Erotic Male: Male Sexuality in Contemporary Advertising, Objectification, and Feminist Theory," Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Popular Culture Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, April, 2000.
  • Rohlinger, Deana. "The Erotic Male: Male Sexuality in Contemporary Advertising, Objectification, and Feminist Theory," Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Pacific Sociological Association Meeting, San Diego, California, March, 2000.
  • Rohlinger, Deana. "The Erotic Male: Male Sexuality in Contemporary Advertising,
  • Objectification, and Feminist Theory," Paper presented at the Women's Research Conference, California State University, San Bernardino, March, 2000.


  • Caul, Miki. "Explaining Change: Increases in Women's Representation in National Legislatures 1975-1997". Paper presented at the annual meetings of the Midwest Political Science Association. Chicago, 1999.
  • Cichowski, Rachel. "The European Court of Justice and EU Environmental Policy." Jean Monnet Research Lecture Series, Robert Schuman Centre, European University Institute, Fiesole, Italy, 1999.
  • Drummond, Andrew. "The Green Alternative List in Hamburg, Germany: Applying Michel's 'Iron Law' to Postmaterialism." Paper presented at the annual Greening VIII Conference. Los Angeles: University of Southern California, 1999.
  • Harper, Marcus. "Falling from Grace: Of Promise and Performance in Post-Communist Societies" Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association, Seattle, 1999.
  • Recchia, Steve. "Predicting Environmental Policy Performance in the U.S. States" Paper presented at the annual meetings of the American Political Science Association, Atlanta, 1999.
  • Recchia, Steve. "Determinants of Environmental Policy Performance in the U.S. States" Paper presented at the annual Greening VIII conference. Los Angeles: University of Southern California, 1999.
  • Rohlinger, Deana. "The Male Form: Commodifying American Men," Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Pacific Sociological Association Meeting, Portland, Oregon April, 1999.
  • Rohlinger, Deana. "The Male Form: Commodifying American Men," Paper presented at the Popular Culture Conference, San Diego, California, April 1999.
  • Rohlinger, Deana. "Harming Us Slowly: Mass Media and the Self-Concept of the Average Female," Paper presented at the Women's Research Conference, California State University, San Bernardino, March 1999.
  • Salvanto, Anthony. "Split-ticket voting in the Open Primary" Paper presented at 1999 Governor's Conference, UC Berkeley, 1999


  • Caul, Miki. "Political Parties and Candidate Gender Quotas: A Cross-National Study of the Influences on Adoption". Paper presented at the annual meetings of the Midwest Political Science Association. Chicago, 1998.
  • Caul, Miki. "Determining the Number of Parties in Stable Democracies: Social Heterogeneity and Electoral Institutions". (Rein Taagepera and Bernard Grofman) Paper presented at the annual meetings of the Western Political Science Association. Los Angeles, 1998.
  • Cichowski, Rachel. "Empowering National Actors Through Supranational 'Venues': Interest Groups, the European Court and Policy Integration." Paper presented at the annual meetings of the American Political Science Association, Boston, 1998
  • Cichowski, Rachel. "The Unintended Consequences of Policy Design: A Study of the European Union's Equal Pay Principle." Paper presented at the annual meetings of the Western Political Science Association, Los Angeles, 1998.
  • Gibbs, Randall S., Lawrence Fan, and Marcus Harper. "Party Attrition and Duverger's Psychological Effect in the Aftermath of Democratization." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association. Los Angeles, 1998.
  • Harper, Marcus. "Economic Voting in Post-Communist Eastern Europe" Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association, Los Angeles, 1998.
  • McConnell, Sharon. "Global Citizens, National Politics: Transnational Activism and Government Reaction in Mexico." Paper presented at the Latin American Studies Association XXI International Congress, Chicago, 1998.
  • Newton, Lina. Explaining the Success of Laws That Fail: The 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act and the Social Construction of Target Groups. Paper presented at the annual meetings of the Western Political Science Association, Los Angeles, 1998.
  • Newton, Lina. "Why Some Latinos Supported Proposition 187: Testing the Economic Threat and Cultural Identity Hypothesis. Research monograph series, Center for the Study of Democracy: UC Irvine, 1998.
  • Recchia, Steve. "Resource Mobilization and Canadian Environmental Groups" Paper presented at the annual Greening VII conference. Claremont: Claremont Graduate School, 1998.
  • Recchia, Steve. "The Canadian Environmental Movement". Paper presented at the annual meetings of the Western Political Science Association, Los Angeles, 1998.
  • Recchia, Steve. "Resource Mobilization and Canadian Environmental Groups". Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Sept. 1998, Boston, MA.
  • Rohlinger, Deana. "Women and the Images of Health in Contemporary Advertising," Paper presented at the Women's Research Conference, California State University, San Bernardino, March 1998.
  • Salvanto, Anthony. "Initiatives as Running Mates: The impact of a candidate-centered initiative campaign." Research monograph series, Center for the Study of Democracy: UC Irvine, 1998.
  • Salvanto, Anthony. "Getting Out of the Game: Consistency and Rolloff Patterns in 1994." Paper presented at the annual meetings of the Western Political Science Association, 1998.
  • Weldon, Sharon. "Independent Revenue Sources and Human Rights: A Cross- national Analysis." Presented a paper at The Hinman Symposium on Democratization and Human Rights at SUNY Binghamton, September, 1998.


  • Caul, Miki. "Women's Representation in Parliament: The Role of Political Parties". Paper presented at the annual meetings of the American Political Science Association. Washington, D.C. , 1997.
  • Caul, Miki. "Political Parties and Women's Representation: The Role of Party Ideology and Party Organization". Paper presented at the annual meetings of the Midwest Political Science Association. Chicago, 1997.
  • Caul, Miki. "Women's Representation in National Legislatures: Explaining Differences Across Advanced Industrial Nations". Paper presented at the annual meetings of the Western Political Science Association. Tucson, 1997.
  • Cichowski, Rachel. "Constrained Court or Autonomous Policy Maker?: The European Court of Justice and Integration." Paper presented at the annual meetings of the American Political Science Association, Annual Meeting, Washington DC., 1997.
  • Cichowski, Rachel. "The Integrative Power of European Social and Environmental Policy: The European Court of Justice and Integration." Paper presented at the Innovation of International Environmental Policy, Summer Symposium, University of Bologna, Italy, 1997.
  • Cichowski, Rachel. "The Integrative Power of European Social and Environmental Policy: The European Court of Justice and Integration." Paper presented at the Greening VI Conference, University of California, Irvine, 1997.
  • Harper, Marcus. "Support for the Democratic Political System in Post-Communist Bulgaria, 1990-1995" Presented at the 29th Annual Convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Seattle, 1997.
  • Newton, Lina. "Ethnic Identity vs. SES: Explaining the Latino Vote on Proposition 187." Paper presented at the Western Political Science Association, Tucson, AZ, March 1997.
  • Newton, Lina. "Ethnic Identity vs. SES: Alternative Explanations for Latino Voting on Proposition 187." Paper presented at the annual meetings of the Midwestern Political Science Association, Chicago, IL., 1997.
  • Salvanto, Anthony. "Initiatives as Running Mates." Paper presented at the annual meetings of the Western Political Science Association, 1997.
  • Weldon, Sharon. "Rentier States, Development and Democracy: A Cross-national Analysis" Presented a paper at a Political Economy and World System Roundtable, American Sociological Association, August, 1997.


  • Caul, Miki. "Structures of Imperialism and the Sexual Exploitation of Women and Children in the Philippines". Paper presented at the Fifth International Philippines Studies Conference. Center for Philippine Studies. University of Hawaii at Manoa, 1996.